
A Glimpse Into How Law Department Transformation Is Heating Up in 2020: A Discussion With Morae Global

By Joy Saphla

January 15, 2020


Legal Department Operations

By Stephanie Wilkins on January 15, 2020 at 4:03 PM in Above the Law

The legal services industry has significantly evolved over the past decade and, as we enter 2020, corporations are well-positioned to accelerate the transformation of law departments. We recently sat down with Joy Saphla, President of Strategic Solutions at Morae Global, a full-service, tech-enabled service provider that works with major corporations and law firms globally to transform how legal services are being delivered in a sustainable manner, including through a smaller financial footprint, more efficient service delivery, improved performance, and all without compromising risk management. Joy gave us her thoughts on what’s driving the transformation of law departments and the relevant trends we can expect to see this year.

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About the Author

Joy Saphla
President, Strategic Solutions
I am Joy Saphla. As president, Strategic Solutions, I am responsible for assisting corporate legal departments and law firms with strategic planning for how they can meet their goals and objectives, even through ebbs and flow in workload, by utilizing flexible and alternative approaches that also enable reducing overall cost and improvements in cost certainty.

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