
Morae developed the Chat.IQ parser to address our financial services client needs to parse Bloomberg Chat and email data exported in Bloomberg XML format.

The Chat.IQ parser is unique as compared to most industry parsers since we parse chatrooms by day, which provides for more manageable long chats spanning weeks and avoids the risk of being over-inclusive or under-inclusive in chat population scoping. Additionally, Chat.IQ deduplicates XML entries by the contents of the day-level parsed chats, reducing hosted data volumes as well as reduced review efforts. Chat.IQ has parsed millions of Bloomberg chat messages for multiple clients over the years and withstood all regulatory or opposing counsel scrutiny due to our defensible and repeatable processes.

Communication content and metadata are extracted and loaded to Relativity for review. A significant benefit of our custom Chat.IQ parser is the features are highly customizable depending on client requests. Morae now offers our Chat.IQ output in its original HTML format, or RSMF file, in both our Server and RelOne cloud instances. Finally, the Chat.IQ parser can be used to parse other data types depending on the source data provided to Morae.

Key Features of Chat.IQ are:

  1. Integration: Viewable within your Relativity Native viewer
  2. Participant-Level Viewer: All participants in a chat are presented to hone in on the individual(/s) in that matter
  3. Action Filters: Omitting joiner/leaver, disclaimers, history views, or invitations. This provides significant time saving, by limiting rendered content to only the substantive content that matters. The reviewers’ selection is carried from one chat to the next.
  4. Time Filter: Chats are stored in 24-hour periods – the time filter allows you to focus the view to particular time windows.
  5. Search: The free text search feature allows the user to search for participants, messages, key terms, or timestamps.
  6. Chat Metadata: During processing, our custom tool extracts and generates key metadata for each chat, which is then overlayed to Relativity and facilitates chat scoping.

Morae Chat.IQ parser output in HTML viewer (Server and RelOne)

Morae Chat.IQ parser output in RelOne RSMF viewer

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