

I am Bret Baccus. I have more than 25 years of experience serving both law firms and law departments operate more effectively with the use of systems, vendor management programs, process improvement and the most effective use of legal resources based on the risk and complexity of the legal work.

I have helped law firms and law departments improve their operational and organizational effectiveness through deployment of alternative legal solutions. I have served Fortune 10 to Fortune 1000 corporations as well as small companies to: plan for technology; assess law firm operations and plan for operational improvements; assess law departments in understanding their internal workload, external spend and plan and implement resource allocation improvements. I have worked with both legal operations professionals, general counsels, and law department leaders as they initially move into new positions of responsibility and need help with their departments or need to evolve their department. I was a Vice President at UnitedLex, a Managing Director at Consilio/Huron Legal, a Senior Manager at Arthur Andersen and a Consultant at PriceWaterhouse.


Why Morae?

I am at Morae because of my long-tenured relationships with so many of the leaders here. Serving the market with leaders I know and trust is essential to me.

Having worked with both law firms and corporate law departments, I understand the interdependencies from both the process/systems and value/relationship perspectives. Together, we create mutually beneficial ways of working.

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